WHAT DOES 1:1 MEAN? The 1:1 (one-to-one) initiative provides each student with access to their own Chromebook, free of charge, for educational use.

WHY IS THE DISTRICT PURSUING A 1:1 ENVIRONMENT FOR OUR STUDENTS? Our vision is to immerse students and staff in a technology-rich learning environment.

WHAT WILL MY STUDENT RECEIVE? Each student will receive an Chromebook in a case and charger in good working order.

CAN MY STUDENT ACCESS INAPPROPRIATE WEBSITES? STC uses an internet filtering system to block inappropriate material in accordance with federal law. However, no filtering system can provide 100% security. Parents have the right to refuse off-campus access. Every user is ultimately responsible for his or her activity on the Internet.

WHAT ARE MY RESPONSIBILITIES IF MY STUDENT'S IPAD IS DAMAGED OR LOST? Students/families will be responsible for any damage that occurs to the equipment loaned to the student, per occurrence.

First occurrence, up to $50.00. Second occurrence, up to $100.00. Third occurrence will result in up to full replacement cost of the equipment.

WHO DO I CONTACT IF I HAVE QUESTIONS? Ms. Mary Mixdorf, District Technology Coordinator Building Administrators Mr. Robert Boley-Principal Ms. Amy Karg-Assistant Principal